
Added: 15-08-2012
Clicks: 20439
2015-07-05 15:32:36 (8)Bika8228
2012-08-20 09:50:47 (7)lordleachim
well i hope that wicked fixed the username submission thing so that it doesn't accept blank spaces after the name. otherwise someone could do that to wicked and totally troll everyone.
2012-08-17 10:11:12 (6)Wicked
elloco, unfortunately we don't store ip address with the comments.
2012-08-17 05:09:38 (5)elloco
Thanks wicked I can guess who that would be, either way thank you.
I'm amazed how people can be so coward and do this sort of shit.

On a serious note could you track them?
2012-08-16 16:05:56 (4)Wicked
elloco, it's not me and Topclub is not hacked.

As I see someone registered with your name and some empy space after that: if you select the fake elloco name you can notice there are spaces after the name, while there is no space after your name.
2012-08-16 14:19:09 (3)elloco
Holy shit, this is good.
That said, even though english is my second language, my writing is not that bad, even when on medication...LOL

Now, the question is?

Is this wicked?
Or has topclub been hacked?

I am loving this, by the way lesson learnt, I will try not to abuse others here.
But it is too bloody hard to restrain myself....

2012-08-16 07:41:43 (2)elloco  
Hello all fellow users, this is my sincere apologize to you.

As you may have been noticing I tend to use harsh and offending language. I also have been insulting various people here. I'm so sorry about the annoyance I have caused.

Let me tell you little about me. I live in Australia although I'm not originally from Australia. I was in the head of a successful company. I worked hard but also made a lot of money. I did multiple holiday trips to overseas every year and had three nice cars. But most important of all I had a really lovely wife. She was the best thing in my life and I loved her more than anything. So my life looked pretty good...until I got sick.

It was normal day all together. The last thing I remember is that I was looking up my company's financial records. Then something happened and the next hazy memory is when I woke up in hospital. More spesific in closed mental ward. My doctors told me that I have had a acute onset of paranoid schizophrenia. You can imagine how scared I was back then. And to be trutfully I'm still scared. With the right medication my condition improved so much that I got out of hospital. But that was just when the problems started. My doctors told me that schizophrenia is a mental disease where the individual may also have delusions of personal grandeur - a false belief that they are much greater and more powerful and influential than they really are. And that happened to me. I thought that I was nearly invincible and that ruined my marriage and company. And it also ruined me. I stop using my medicine and my condition just got worse. As you may have seen here from my comments.

There days I live in a small apartment and try to organize my life back together somehow. I know I can't ever be the same man I was but I'm trying really hard. I've started to take my medicine again and it has helped me a lot. Now when I read my previous post I can see what a dimwit asswipe I have been. I'll apologize that again. I just hope I keep on taking my meds because my mental condition will degenerate very quick without the meds. So if you see me post comments filled with hate and obscenities you know I've not taken my drugs. I may also start to claim that this post is a fraud but that is just the schizophrenia talking.

I have my friend post this text for a while so everyone who I have hurt can see it and maybe even forgive me.
2012-08-15 18:45:19 (1)fiu
nem rossz